Author Archives: sukritig

Our Design Showstopper, aka The Desert Room

The endless dunes and the glaring sun in this room are a constant reminder of the never-ending spiral of research that we are all immersed in (we totally think this deeply on the daily). For now its called the “Patch Task”, and it features 2 open fields (29*28 inches each) connected by a hallway (29*8 inches), 4 pellet dispensers mounted on tripods, 2 expertly-suspended curtains, and multiple 3D-printed parts. Details are on the way and should soon be available under the “Research” tab!

Here’s the Forest Room!

This one is still a work-in-progress. The metal walls give this room a more industrial look that we contrasted with some cool-toned, but earthy forest vibes. It features a circular track (32 inches) with 8 custom-designed fluid wells. Can you see one of our Blackrock systems hiding in the back? Details should soon be posted on our “Research” tab (once we figure them out)!

Welcome to the Cat Room!

This room features a majestic lion (Mufasa?) watching and silently guiding our beloved rats and researcher (picture not included). Formally known as the “Goal Task” for now, it features an open field (38*27 inches), 4 pellet dispensers mounted on tripods, and a bunch of 3D-printed appendages. Keep an eye out for more details in our “Research” section soon!