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We are hiring a postdoc!

We have an opening for a fully-funded, two year (with possibility of extension) post-doc position, available immediately! We’re looking for a scientist with diverse expertise and broad interests in understanding how the brain contributes to complex behavior. The job advert is here.

The official job description is a bit dry (they made me remove all the exclamation points!), but I’m really excited about this opportunity! You can check out the research and publications sections to get a feel for our work, but we are broadly interested in studying the neural mechanisms of cognition in rats. Major strengths of the lab are electrophysiology and computational data analysis coupled with complex behavioral tasks. But we are always interested in hearing about potential new directions that leverage existing strengths or grow new ones. A post-doc joining the lab could either develop a project based on our mutual interests, or pick up an ongoing thread of work in the lab and run with it. So if you’re generally interested and would like to hear more about what’s going on, or if you’d like to pitch a specific idea, get in touch! 

You can apply to the listing directly, but informal inquiries about the position are most welcome! Email Andrew with questions, ideas, or just to chat if you think you might be interested.